Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Facebook & Twitter

Meg Wright Photography is on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow me on both although I update the Facebook more frequently. I’m not so into Tweeting yet. Oh yea, please follow me on my blog too, since you have nothing better to do. I promise I’ll try and update it more frequently.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/megwrightphoto

Newburyport Fall Festival

After visiting the Fall Harvest Festival in Newburyport for the last three years, I have decided to participate! I’m in the process of getting myself a tent and all the display materials. I of course then have to apply (hopefully they’ll accept me). Then I have to get everything all set for selling. I’m not sure yet which prints I’m going to sell and how many of each I’ll have out but custom orders will certainly be accepted. Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated, especially when it comes to what to sell them for. I’ll keep you posted on the Festival, but pencil it in. It’s the Sunday and Monday of Columbus Day weekend.

Internship Updates

Things at the Improper are great. I've been to two photo shoots recently. One was for the Fall Fashion issue which came out today. We did it at the Liberty Hotel at the Esplanade Suite on the terrace. The photographer was Kim Kennedy who was great to work with. He had great energy and was really exciting to watch. The models were amazing too…all three of them (this includes Sarah the falcon who made her editorial debut). Check out the photos in this issue with John Slattery on the cover.
Last week I went to a shoot in Wenham with Keisha Whitaker (Forrest Whitaker’s wife). For this shoot I assisted the stylist by helping her organize the clothing, taping shoes (they do this so the bottoms don’t get scratched up). Keisha was so nice! It was really fun to see a shoot with a celebrity rather than just models. Although I guess models are celebrities too, right? The shots will be out in the Lux Life issue out soon! Check out issues for Dining photos by me as well. I don’t do them for every issue, but keep an eye out.
In case you missed the scavenger hunt story that I took photos for and also participated in I can give you a brief synopsis: Running around Boston on a school bus turned limo, complete with stripper pole, classy! Being hit on by a random guy from Dorchester, who conveniently gave me the nickname ‘Vermont’…All in all it was a great time. I have copies of the story and they’re on my personal Facebook page, you’ll just need to get out your magnifying glass to read it. I'll try to post the images here at some point.

Business Update

Well as you know I still haven't officially gotten the selling aspect of my business up and running yet, but I'm working on it. I've been racking my brain and putting feelers out trying to figure out how much to charge for prints...not much luck! So without that information I'm sort of in at a standstill. I’m working on getting an ad up in the movie theatre back home in VT. I hope to have it up for the new movies opening this Friday so if you’re in the Manchester area go to a movie and check out my ad!

Sorry I've Been MIA...

Dear Blog,
I am extremely sorry for neglecting you! Here's an update on what's been going on since I decided to start you...
Here’s what’s coming?
Business Updates, Internship Updates, Newburyport Fall Festival, Facebook & Twitter