Monday, October 12, 2009

Newburyport - Day #2...Not A Total Bustfest

We started the day off strong!
I got there a little bit before Katie so I (in true 'Meg' fashion) started setting up. I couldn't get the tent all the way up on my own, but I did a fair amount of it on my own...I was pretty impressed with myself. Set up took no time at all, we're old pros at this now. We opted for a different layout today. We put the tables with the photos right up front along the curb. This way people could just stop by and look without having to actually enter the tent. This turned out to be very successful. We had a lot more lookers today and we definitely chatted it up more with people.
We had a number of visitors today too. My friends Kaitlyn and Andrew came up and they got a print from each of us. As did my friend Kelly. Thanks guys!!! Katie also had a few friends stop by and they got some prints from her too. We only had one 'non friend sale' of the day, but it was definitely a team effort.
(Katie and our first purchaser of the day)

It was a beautiful day and we both had a lot of fun. We got a little loopy towards the end. You should have seen us dancing around and Katie doing lunges...classy! So I would say, although we didn't sell out or even sell half, it was a great experience and I'm definitely glad we did it.
Now I just have to figure out what to do with all these prints. I'm sure many of them will be Christmas and Birthday presents, so don't be surprised if that's what you get this year! I guess it's probably time to set up the ecommerce option on my website. I'll probably do that and open and Etsy shop. Any thoughts on that or on pricing? So tricky.
Thanks again to everyone for their support!!! And big thanks to Katie for being my partner in crime the last two days. It was a blast!

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